2024 Todd Liberty Parade

The July 4th Todd Liberty Parade will be back this year! As we celebrate the birth of our nation, we want to celebrate our trees as well. This year’s parade theme is Trees – the Guardians of the Planet! Trees literally provide the air we breath. They are also an itegral part of Todd’s history as a timber town. Trees continue to be a focus in our community as we have been removing invasive species and planting native trees at Todd Island Park. Read more about our restoration project here.

The parade takes place in downtown Todd on July 4, 2024, at 11:00 am. It starts at the corner of NC Hwy 194 and Todd Railroad Grade Road and ends at Cook Memorial Park where there will be music by the King Bees and food for sale off the grill. We hope you’ll come and enjoy the parade, live music, have some lunch and celebrate America with us! We suggest getting to Todd early to find parking and your spot along the parade route. Parking is $5 per car.

Everyone is invited to pick out a costume and walk in the parade!  All costumes are provided. If you would like to walk in the parade, please be at the big field at the corner of NC HWY 194 and Todd Railroad Grade Road by 10:00 am to put on your costume and line up. Costumes will be collected at the end of the parade in Cook Park. 

The parade will be cancelled if there is rain on July 4.